Fresh start...

I am not going to lie, I think I may have lost my marbles...

Anyone who knows me, knows I love long hair. And for the better part of 4 years I have been growing my hair out. Unfortunately for the first 3 years I didn't take amazing care of it. I used heat a lot, rubbed it hard with a towel and used Sun-In on it, which is a heat activated hair lightener containing bleach, this was the main thing that killed my hair. The main length was full of split ends and try as I might, snipping them out and oiling my hair the split ends still got me down.

I knew the only way to deal with it would be to cut the damage off and start again. I put it off and off, trying regular trims with only a small amount taken off. But this was taking so long and made no difference. My hair continued to snag and tangle and break. So I grew some balls and asked my fiance to just cut it. So Monday after coming home from holiday, we did. With effort. Scissors wouldn't manage so we grabbed his shaver and about 5 minutes later I was 31cm's/12inches shorter.

Que scream face.

But its ok I attempted to neaten it up, and ended up with a long, A-line bob. Where its shorter at the back and longer at the front.

The plus of cutting all the damage off, my hair feels amazing! Its so soft, manageable and THICK!
The negative is having to start all over again. But I am now very much the wiser and know all about hair oiling and using little to no heat styling and washing it less frequently, so you know I can totes do this.

Over the coming months / years I will be documenting the growth and sharing any treatments or tricks that have aided in the growth.

The before was taken right before we chopped/buzzed it off. It looks fairly nice here. (sad face)
The after was taken today (5 days after) It looks really uneven but I can assure you it isn't. (the camera's angle is funny too!)

With the pony tail I have, I will be donating it to a charity that makes wigs for children who are going through treatment for leukemia and cancer. (I'll do another post on that very soon) Before I send it off I plan to sit and go through the hair and snip away as many split ends as I can for them.

So here's to a fresh start and another long journey!


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