DIY| Over Night Hair Mask

Hi guys,
today I'm going to share with you one of my favourite DIY hair masks and the best part is that its only one simple ingredient.

Coconut Oil.

This little baby has been doing wonders for my hair. I've been using it for months now, and it has left my hair feeling super soft and looking shiny and healthy.
Coconut oil can range in prices and can be pricey but I found my 500ml tub down the world food aisle at Sainsburys for less than £3. Bargain.

So what is so good about coconut oil?

Coconut oil is one of the few oils that really penetrate deep inside the hair shaft to really nourish and moisturise from within. 
It helps to maintain a healthy scalp, and a healthy scalp equals healthy hair.
Coconut oil has been said to also help stimulate hair growth by getting deep down in to the follicles.
Its intensely moisturising so great for dry and damaged hair, helps to prevent breakages by making the hair stronger and also makes it soft and shiny.

On to the mask!

All you need to make this mask is a bowl, teaspoon, coconut oil, a hair turban or towel, and a microwave.

You will only need 1 heaped teaspoon of coconut oil. It comes as a solid clump like so and will need warming to revert back into its oily self.
So once you have your teaspoon full of coconut oil, pop it in a bowl and heat in microwave until it has fully melted. It turns to a clear liquid.
Allow to cool because you don't want to be burning your scalp!

While cooling brush through your hair to get rid of any tangles. 
Once the oil has cooled sufficiently, dip your finger tips in the oil and begin to work the oil into your scalp.
I like to start and my part and work my way round my head gently massaging with my finger tips.
Once the scalp his covered work the oil down through your hair, you want your hair covered from root to tip, and yes you will look like an oily hot mess, but just think of all the good its doing!

Once covered gently comb through with a wide tooth comb and tie in to a loose pony on top of your head.
Now wrap your hair up in your hair turban ready to sleep the night away. If you don't have a hair turban lay a towel over your pillow to sleep on.
The added benefit of using a hair turban is that while you sleep, under the turban your scalp will be warm which will open up follicles and allow for deeper penetration.
Alternatively if you don't want to sleep with this on, do it an hour to 2 before washing your hair and wrap in a towel.
In the morning simply comb through and wash out thoroughly with warm water, then shampoo and condition as usual.

I like to try and do this every other night and wash it out in the morning. So you can use this as little or as often as you would like and you'll soon be seeing a difference in the happiness of your hair!

Jeni x


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