Christmas Beauty Tag

Hi guys!
So with Christmas only 2 weeks away I'm still not feeling massively festive!
Though I watched Elf today - Love it!
Anyway I was tagged by Hristina of 2ferocious to do her Christmas Beauty Tag
Here it is!

My Answers.

1] Decorations and Food! Food is so much more exciting at this time of year!

2] I do love a Gingerbread Latte - Though I haven't had one this year! I normally grab one when I'm Christmas shopping but I've done 90% of it online this year - So its mostly been tea.

3] So far I have lived in one jumper - Ok that sounds gross I have the same jumper in 3 colours and have lived in them when I haven't been at work and my NEW LOOK black ankle boots with the chunky heel and buckles - LOVE THESE!

4] + It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
+ Sleigh Ride
+ Jingle Bell Rock

5] Eeep! Lots of Books! A Library like in Beauty & The Beast (best Disney Ever!)

6]This Year
Christmas Eve: Work till 6:30 then home for our traditional home cooked Ham, Egg & Chips
Christmas Day: Up and present opening at my mums, then off to my dads for present opening, then back to my mums for our Christmas Dinner (which is beef this year) with my Nan and Granddad. Then the boyfriend will be over in the afternoon/evening to then watch a film!
Boxing Day: I actually have the day off! Woop Woop! To the boyfriends in the evening!

7] Yes, White Christmas :)

8] My mum does these pretty amazing shredded brussles cooked with bacon bits..AMAZE!

9] Lipbalm - my most essential! And a good moisturiser.

10] Giving: I get excited seeing whether they love it! I stress so much about present buying! Plus I love receiving who doesn't!

11] Hmm... Red & White & Silver!

12] My Nan always used to give us calenders at Christmas and one year she didn't get me one and I complained about it, as you do, so a few days later she bought me a Donny Osmond calender, I had know idea who he was! But I put it up for the year!

13] The big number 1 - Spend Less and Save More so I can move out with my boyfriend! 

:) this tag was fun and actually got me feeling a little Christmassy so thank you Hristina! :)

I'm tagging:

Merry December!

Jeni x


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