Soap&Glory's Slim Wear Review | Oil Cleansing Update (week 5)

Hi Guys!

Today I'm reviewing Soap & Glory's Slim Wear Peptide Balm,
But before I crack on with that I'm just going to update you on my Oil Cleansing journey.

I didn't update last week simply because not much has changed. 
However this last week and a half my skin has become super-duper oily :( 
So much so my boyfriend keeps commenting :( bad boyfriend!
So I think what I might do is up the amount of castor oil I'm using in my oil mix and see how that goes, hopefully dry some of the excess oil out?
What ya think?
Cross fingers anyway!

Right on to the SlimWear!

I bought this on offer at Boots for £5 for 190ml. 
I trawled the boots website to find the full price, price but couldn't find it on there so maybe its being phased out?

I've been working hard since May to get my thighs in to shape and I think I'm doing pretty well but as a womanly plight I do have Cellulite - major boo!
So I saw this and thought I'd give it a go.

Everything it says sounds pretty promising and I was quite excited about giving it a go.
The big thing it does mention is that its not a miracle and that diet and regular exercise is a must- fair enough I think!

It comes in a squeezey tube and the cream its-self is a mint green kind of colour.

The scent is interesting! Its quite strong smelling which I imagine is the Peptide in it. However overwhelming I found the scent grew on me as I used it.

So I've been using this Slim Wear - "An Amazing Puff-Draining Peptide Balm that firms, contours, smoothes and reduces the Appearance of Cellulite" for little over a month now, So what do I think?

Honestly not what I expected or hoped for! 
For the first 2 weeks I used this Morning and Evening hoping to see a difference. After application skin does look more plump but only because of the rubbing and massaging-in of the product - I get this from massaging in regular body creams. And thus the effect wears off.
A month on I don't really see much of a difference. All I was really hoping for is maybe my skin to look a bit more firmer and maybe if I pinched my skin slightly the cellulite wouldn't be so prominent. I didn't expect it to be gone. But this just doesn't work sadly in my opinion. Its the sort of thing that if you want it to work you will see a difference because you want to see a difference, if that makes sense. 

I think that truly the best way to banish cellulite is with hard work and a clean diet - but I did hope this would help a little bit! Silly-Rabbit!

Anyway I'm going to carry on and use it up, the tubes almost empty but I won't be buying it again!

What do you think of cellulite creams? Do they work of you?
Know of any that work?
Let me know!

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a lovely Thursday!

Jeni x


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