
Showing posts from October, 2015

DIY | Verruca Treatment That WORKS!!!!

Verrucas. What can I say. They are evil, horrible little things that can be painful as well as unsightly. So what are these demons? Verrucas are essentially a wart or a 'Plantar Wart' meaning its in the sole of your foot as apposed to on the surface of your skin. Verrucas are caused by an infection of the skin by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is highly contagious. The viral infection is spread through skin contact with contaminated surfaces. I got my first verruca about 6 years ago, my second about 2 years ago and my third this year. I had tried every over the counter product from Bazuka gel to the freezing kind. Nothing worked. I was so fed up, so I turned to the interwebz to do a bit of googling and found, one specific  ingredient  keep popping up.  Vinegar, or more  precisely  Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). I had nothing to loose I already had the vinegar so for me it was free and on the 9th of July I started my treatment.  Treatment ...

Review | Tangle Teezer

As my hair has got longer, its become more of a nightmarish tangle, so I thought I'd try out the Tangle Teezer well known for its kick arse knot fighting abilities. The Tangle Teezer has fast become an iconic hair tool, with its bright colours and funky design. I picked my teezer up from Boots for £10.99 and is the original design. It has 2 different lengths of soft, bendy plastic bristles, long and short in an alternating pattern and fits comfortably in the palm of my hand. I have to say I was skeptical about whether this would work well, and after using it for a few months I can safely say its pretty good! I wanted to do a comparison test to show how good the teezer really is. I don't normally brush my hair from root to tip when its wet but it was the best way to show how it works. Before Using a wide tooth comb I brush from the top of my head and immediately get stuck, so gently start again, then get stuck again and then again. Not so groovy. After (just the right side)  The...