
Showing posts from May, 2015

I Had a Reaction

Hi guys! Long time, no post! Sorry about that, my life's been a bit crazy of late and I've been uber distracted and its likely to continue on off, but when the time comes I'll do a 'Life Update'...maybe to explain all the craziness! may of read at the beginning of last month I had started using a natural, homemade deodorant that I loved, super, super much. Well I had a reaction to it, so I've had to stop using for the time being. I think/know its due to the amount of Baking Soda I used in the formula. I hadn't realised how bad it could be, the amount of baking soda + daily usage left my poor pitty's looking rather sorrowful and sore. ***WARNING GRAPHIC ARMPIT PHOTO PROCEED WITH CAUTION*** Each one of these spotty bumps was so painful. I wasn't sure what was happening so continued to use my deodorant for a bit longer, then when they didn't get better, hit up google to find out what was wrong. When I did, I immediately stopped using my...