The Oil Cleansing Method | Week 1 (& a half)
Hi y'all! Today I wanna chat about The Oil Cleansing Method. 'Cleansing with oil?!' I hear you say! - Yes cleansing with oil. About a month back I got my daily/weekly email from with a post on oil cleansing. This piqued my interest, so I clicked the link and went and had a READ. The How To: The general gist is using a mixture of 2 oils, the main oil being Castor Oil. You mix this with your chosen carrier oil and massage in to the skin for a few minutes, allow to sit for 30 seconds to a minute, then run a face cloth under the hot tap, wring and place on your face to cool. Once cool wipe over the face and repeat another 2-3 times. Make sure all traces of the now 'dirty' oil has been removed. I started using this on/off after reading it then stopped. But decided I would give it a proper go a week and a half ago. My chosen carrier oil was olive oil (not the best to use I'll tell you why). What I did was mix about 3 teaspoons of castor oil t...